• Right click on your desktop, select New/Shortcut
  • Enter the location: rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
  • Then click Next
  • Enter name: “Lock Me”, then click Finish
  • Right click on the “Lock Me” shortcut on your desktop, select Properties
  • Insure the “Shortcut” tab is selected, click in the “Shortcut Key” field. Press F2 (function key usually above the numeric “3” key). F2 appears in the field. Click OK.

Now, any time you wish to lock your computer, press the single button: F2

This has been tested on Windows 7.

Keywords:lock windows hot key windows hotkey lock screen

Troy Frericks.
blog 24-Oct-2017
Copyright 2015-2017 by Troy Frericks, http://dba.frericks.us/.

Written by Troy Frericks

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