CyberSecurityRecap, Windows 7, 300 days to live

Reminder, all good things must come to an end, even Windows 7. After January 14, 2020 (300 days from now), Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or support for PCs running Windows 7. But you can keep the good times rolling by moving to Windows 10, Linux, BSD, or MAC.

Keywords: CyberSecurityRecap microsoft windows 7 end of life deprecated end of support live no more security patches windows7eol

Troy Frericks.
blog 20-Mar-2019
Copyright 2015-2019 by Troy Frericks,

CyberSecuricyRecap, Developer Training

Developers need to be trained in the techniques of secure coding as is evident by this demonstrated survey… er, ah… is password hashing part of that class?

Here’s the right way to code passwords.

Keywords: CyberSecurityRecap developer training programmer training architect training

Troy Frericks.
blog 15-Mar-2019
Copyright 2015-2019 by Troy Frericks,