CyberSecurityRecap: Linux DOS

Linux DOS (Denial Of Service). All Linux systems are vulnerable to three exploits. Any Linux system connected to the internet should be patched ASAP. This redhat article provides information and references the CVE’s.

Keywords: CyberSecurityRecap, unix, linux, *ix, dos, ddos

Troy Frericks.
blog 20-Jun-2019
Copyright 2015-2019 by Troy Frericks,

CyberSecuriytRecap: Intel again: Microarchitectural Data Sampling

With Spectre and Meltdown not too far back in the rear view mirror, Intel just released a patch through Business Partners (Microsoft, Apple, etc) for a set of vulnerabilities known collectively as Microarchitectural Data Sampling. CVE’s are: CVE-2019-11091, CVE-2018-12126, CVE-2018-12127, and CVE-2018-12130.

Untrusted code (ie, that frequently existes in a VM or hosted environments) can take advantage of this vulnerability to gain access to other portions of the execution thread.

Exploits have not been reported. Safest course of action is to be sure all systems are fully patched as soon as possible (same drill!)

Keywords: CyberSecurityRecap, intel, spectre, meltdown, Microarchitectural Data Sampling, MDC

Troy Frericks.
blog 16-May-2019
Copyright 2015-2019 by Troy Frericks,